
Margot Schlönzke
Charm, Berlin snark with heart and never at a loss for an anecdote. The Queen Mum of travesty was born in Berlin and has known the neighborhood inside out for decades. Embark on a KiezTour where you will hear first-hand accounts from contemporary witnesses - many things are true, but some are fictional.
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Jurassica Parka
Strikingly tall, very slim and beautiful. The Sinnfluencer*in, part-time actress and presenter knows and shapes queer Berlin. She has a lot to tell and during a KiezTour with her, due to her hight getting into some low ceiling locations might be challenging for her and entertaining for you. With her long legs, you'll certainly have to be quick to keep up.
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Jacky-Oh Weinhaus
Big mouth, badly shaved, but with a family pack of sex appeal. The Charlottenburg resident by choice is a part-time girl with Franconian roots, and it won't get boring with her anytime soon. With a sharp tongue, a good dose of self-irony and anecdotes about queer Berlin, this KiezTour will stay in your memory for a long time.
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Anna Klatsche
Young, tousled and always up to date. The DJane and presenter lives in the middle of Schöneberg's Regenbogen-Kiez and therefore always has the latest information at hand. A KiezTour with her will always be a unique experience that you will remember for a long time.
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Rachel Intervention
Hilarious, sweet and pretty clever! Rachel Intervention drives Berlin's nightlife crazy with one-woman shows and also loves passing on knowledge about the City's queer culture. She is not a native Berlin City Girl*, but loves the City and its queer hotspots even more. One thing is for sure - a tour with Rachel will not only be very educational, but also incredibly fun!
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